1. She waits and waits. Seems the slut always waits.
2. She craves and craves. Seems the slut always craves.
3. She dreams and dreams. Seems the slut always dreams.
~~~~ Part one of three ~~~~
1. She waits for Him. Either online or waits for the opportunity to see Master in person. Nearly three years into the relationship and there are other things she waits to happen. Master calls these things limits. She calls them basic and human wants and needs. She reflects and thinks about Maslow's hiercy of needs.
Want and needs are different she knows that. Every relationship is based on those being fulfilled. Needs should be fulfilled if possible, and wants can be granted by compromise, or even denied. For her, wants can be appeased.
She isn't allowed to bathe at her Master's house. Once or has it been twice she has asked and Master has said NO?He offered to shorten their time together so she will not have the need to bathe at his home.That is why she has not asked again. Doesn't he see their time together as precious? He tells her she will think "too much" of bathing? It makes her feel unworthy and not special. To her its not him being more Masterly. It's him not caring about basic needs. When she has to use a "trick rag/towel" it cheapens her submission and not in a good way.She doesn't feel special or treasured, just an object or weekend plaything when she has to ask for a rag to clean herself with.. She gives him her submission, trust and all that she can and she can't bathe. A basic need.
She always sees the glass half full. However, this is something that has been bothering her for awhile. It hurts her and while the length of her long term relationship is great and the relationship is wonderful, this is one thing that is lacking.
After time can't limits be re-evaluated as respect, trust, friendship and submission have grown and bloomed?
She just needs to be able to bathe. It isn't a grand request or uncomprehending. This is her way of asking and isn't her being bitchy. It's her way of bringing it to the table for discussion. She would never demand anything, as that is her not her nature. She's just asking.
Always Xx