Friday, September 24, 2010

Me xx

Outside my window~ I saw the moon welcoming the morning sun. The moon was faint, however it was there. Fall is right around the corner.

My thoughts~ Just thinking about what my day and weekend will be like. Going over my "to do" list mentally. It hasn't been a great week and I hope that this weekend will make up for that.

Today’s Quote~ "Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a
– Peter Ustinov

I am thankful for~  Scales that go down and not up when I step on them.

My Service~ Not really downloading atm due to technical difficulties. I am doing my weekly assignments....

From the Kitchen~ Special K cereal, tuna, tomatoes and lots of Chicken this week. I have lost 2 more pounds. I am also planning a meal for when Master visits in October.

I am wearing~ Tshirt and panties

I am creating~ My sewing machine is out and set up now. That is progress. I want to work on Master's quilt, that will  help me to smile.

My adventures this week~ I saw Master last weekend and it was a wonderful weekend. I took Seth to his soccer game last night, we won. My "student" is learning fast and I really enjoy those few hours each week that I am teaching, helping and giving back.

What I am Reading~ Nothing, I haven't had anything handy to interest me this week and don't think I could concentrate or be still long enough to actually sit down and read.

Music this Week~ I added a few more songs to my walking play list, which means the longer the music plays, the longer I walk.

One of my Favorite things~Full moons that light up the night sky and I can't stop my eyes from looking up and wondering if he is looking at the moon too.

Tuesday’s Lecture~ I accept that it was a lecture. .

Picture of the Week~

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